superlion 發表於 2010-4-21 16:55


最近咁靜局呀個個都唔出聲? 各位師兄近況點樣,有何新奇刺激的經驗,分享下啦!

superlion 發表於 2010-4-21 17:58

i have not idea about that, didnt go there for an age... hey, buddy, pls write a report here when you back home.. thx:)

weggie3388 發表於 2010-4-22 10:23

All postings go to AVs and Photos !
No one reports the night-life here now (unlike other discuz webs), don't know why ?!

neu 發表於 2010-4-26 20:42

幾時再禾你淫C作隊亞. :lol
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